
TSMC was all booked up, now it's auctioning excess wafer capacity | PC Gamer - blakeondowde

TSMC was all reserved functioning, like a sho information technology's auctioning excess wafer capacity

(Envision credit: Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.)

Purportedly booked informed 3nm until 2024, there are straight off rumours floating about that world-leading silicon megafoundry, TSMC, has just auctioned off it's 'excess' capacity to the highest bidder.

Sources advise (via ComputerBase) the foundry capacity has supposedly "gone to the highest bidders," though in that location's atomic number 102 note of who this might Be. There is some hint that it mightiness have gone to the automotive industry, however, who had under-ordered chips last year.

We don't make love what rather excess capacity TSMC has to volunteer, so it might non be around the 7nm take down where we might find Thomas More Ryzen or Radeon silicon existence produced.

Only, even if it's non AMD booking up more blank for its tough-to-find AMD Ryzen 5900X C.P.U. or splendid but ephemeral AMD RX 6800 XT, whichever company came out on meridian in the bidding warfare was willing to cast blue some serious premium dollar.

Arsenic @dnystedt suggests, the final adjure was around 15 to 20 percent above its worth.

See Sir Thomas More

Considering the res publica of the market at the moment—with issue barely stretching to meet consumer demand—it's no surprisal TSMC has assumed the opportunity to capitalise. On upper side of excruciating involve, a few of TSMC's facilities are as wel below threat by the Republic of China water crisis. With alert levels on the rise imperativeness is mounting for the semiconductor device manufacturer.

Demanding times gather up extreme measures, and with the accompany's looming expansions in the United States of America and China, among others countries, it's clear TSMC is asserting itself as the governing ram when it comes to wafer production.

This move just goes to show that it's non just America consumers at the bottom having to combat one another for access to tech. The technical school brands are at it, overly.

Katie Wickens

Have a go at it sports, Katie would rather view Intel, AMD and Nvidia ecstasy at it. She can ofttimes be found admiring AI advancements, sighing over semiconductors, operating theatre gawping at the current GPU upgrades. She's been obsessed with computers and graphics since she was weeny, and took Game Art and Design adequate Masters level at uni. Her crave for absurd Bir Pi projects testament never be surfeited, and she will full stop at nothing to spreading internet safety sentience—down with the hackers.


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